Joseph Francis Tribbiani

‘Rach, I think I’m falling in love with you!’

When you realised that you were in love, it was a strange, feral feeling wasn’t it? Love? You couldn’t fall in love? But Joe, people with pristine hearts and axenic fervour are the only ones who ruminate they aren’t meant to love. They know love as savvy astuteness, they skimm to infer that they are oblivious of what love is, how love happens, and what to do when it happens. That weird feeling you had, after the most perfect date with the most beautiful, astounding and the ‘hottest’ roommate you have ever had, that, Joe, is called LOVE. You were scared, weren’t you, of this unfamiliar, serene and splendiferous feeling. Strange, how the most beautiful and dazzling feeling scares the most out of us. Furtive in your actions you were so that you could veil this new feeling from ‘her’, the woman you have just fallen in love with. The woman you had known for almost eight years. Gathering all the courage, you then turned to you ‘Best Bud’, foraging an answer to all the subtleties that had taken over your life, but just that these were making you contempible in a different way. I can understand why, even from Chandler, you had to hide this feeling of love, this new venture, because sometimes somethings are adept only with us, aloof in our intuition and instilled in the closet of our heart.
But just so you know Joe, it was not a hamartia which you were afraid to tell to your friends. You were not able to tell them because you somewhere wanted to be with this feeling alone, where only you could feel it, sense it, judge it and cherish it. Love, my friend, is quite a tricky affair. You loved Rachel and that is why you were in that situation of self-agony, only deteriorating you emotions in an ineffable way.
You then told her. You told her how you were falling in love with her with every passing moment of your life. From waking up and eating flakes at the table to the sleepless nights spent in Hugsy’s company, you were falling in love with her all over and every moment. You told her that you too can fall in Love, in a profound and beautiful way. Fighting all the diriments of your heart and the circumstances, you confessed your love.
This one word and you knew where you two were in your lives. The way you understood her feelings from BUT tells us you were a lot more than we could ever understand. You may not believe it Joey, but I too can understand the pangs of unreverted love. It hurts. It breaks. It kills. And I kow too, it is hard to love someone so much just to find out that they do not love you. You could have gone from there that day, and I think you should have, but you stayed. Because you didn’t love just some random girl. You loved the woman ‘you had known for almost eight years, who was the most beautiful, astonishing and the ‘hottest’ roommate you have ever had.’
It is approbate sometimes to let things go because you love them and you let her go too because your Love was an allegory, the truth and the echt YOU.
And maybe the world will never know the reason for why you ended up alone, but I think I know. Because you love only once and that is it. You follow it, pursue it or take its care without even letting the world know, but you love only once. I know you loved her and you still love her and will love her forever.

I know Joey, I know.